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The 6 most important L&D trends 2024: AI, ROI and skills

David Middelbeck photo

David Middelbeck

Managing Director


Learning Hub




In a world characterized by rapid technological advances, such as AI, automation and the like, companies are faced with the challenge of understanding the upcoming trends for their industry, including learning and development teams. At the same time, L&D teams are confronted with a shortage of skilled workers, the so-called “skills shortage.” These developments will not only influence the L&D landscape, but also the way companies recruit, develop and profitably use skilled workers within the company. Below, we take a detailed look at the 6 trends that will dominate the L&D landscape in 2024.

Our top 6 L&D trends for 2024

  1. Measuring ROI and analytics
  2. L&D empowerment with AI
  3. AI skills and the need for skill transparency
  4. Soft skills and leadership qualities are gaining in importance
  5. Building skill-based organizations remains essential
  6. Blended learning formats are on the rise

Measuring ROI and analytics

In a year marked by conservative budget decisions, measuring the return on investment (ROI) of L&D initiatives and storytelling based on these indicators will become more important in 2024. Companies invest more cautiously, which is why justifying L&D investments is a key challenge for many. L&D professionals are increasingly confronted with budget cuts or stagnating budgets. In this context, learning & skill analytics come into focus to underline the effectiveness and benefits of personnel development initiatives in the company. Learning analytics are crucial for making learning outcomes measurable, evaluating activities and, for example, justifying investments in learning content. Skill analytics, on the other hand, can help to record the development of skills at individual and company levels. In this way, skill gaps can be identified, strategically addressed and thus an important contribution can be made to combat the shortage of skilled workers and calculate a clear ROI. Would you like to measure the ROI of your workforce development?
Click here for the ROI calculator.

L&D empowerment with AI

However, AI is not only becoming important for employees, but also for the L&D teams themselves. Because intelligent skill & learning tools can already make the work of L&D teams significantly easier. The integration of AI into existing HR & L&D processes will represent a decisive turning point. Because the entrepreneurial approach is now moving more and more towards upskilling, i.e. targeted support for your own employees, in order to uncover the full potential of all people involved for your company. The areas of application range from continuing education for specialists and managers, to targeted selection of applicants in personnel management, to individual learning journeys, in which the acquired know-how is professionally processed and presented in an easily accessible manner. In addition to increasing employee retention, this can also reduce the use of resources, which makes companies of various sizes more profitable in the long term and at the same time can and will simplify internal processes. Companies that use these technologies early on will gain a competitive advantage by, for example, being able to complete projects much more quickly. It remains exciting!

AI skills and the need for skill transparency

One thing is certain: AI went from vision of the future to reality in 2023 and this development has gone faster than expected for many companies. Because AI is here to stay and companies must adapt to the changing conditions. With the increasing use of AI, ethical responsibility is also coming into focus. Companies will increasingly have to address issues of data protection and ethical guidelines related to AI. HR departments will play a crucial role in developing policies and training to ensure that AI applications meet ethical standards and employees have the necessary know-how to use AI tools. Despite the rapid spread, many questions about the topic remain unanswered: What AI skills do I already have in the company? Which employees already have AI skills? What training do I need and which AI training should I invest in 2024? These and many other questions relating to AI are already occupying many L&D teams today. Unfortunately, too few teams still manage to create the necessary skill transparency to find answers to these questions. Because in order to be able to answer these questions, we need insights into the skills of our employees, intelligent skill assessments and a target value for where we should go in order to be able to uncover potential skill gaps.

Soft skills and leadership qualities are gaining in importance

In addition to professional know-how, continuing education will shift to teaching soft skills and leadership qualities in 2024. Employers recognize the need for skills that go beyond specific roles. Especially in the age of AI, learning and development initiatives such as emotional intelligence, communication and critical thinking will take center stage. Training programs are therefore now focusing on these skills and recognizing their importance, primarily when using modern technologies. In addition, leadership skills are becoming increasingly important in order to be successful in a rapidly changing and interconnected working world. Managers with distinctive soft skills can effectively motivate teams, promote innovation and create a positive corporate culture.

Building skill-based organizations remains essential

Many companies have already recognized that skills will play a central role in the company in the future. In times of rapid technological change, most companies recognize that a skill-based approach is the missing element for creating transparency about skill gaps, giving learners the necessary orientation and creating individual development opportunities. Without these components, there is a risk of losing touch in times of massive shortage of skilled workers. For this reason, the topic of skills will continue to gain in importance in 2024 and, as in 2023, remain a top priority when it comes to counteracting the talent shortage. If you don't know the best way to get started with skills, have We have a masterclass for you on exactly this topic.

Blended learning formats are on the rise

After companies have developed from classic face-to-face seminars (instructor-led training) to purely online formats for a long time, there is now a clear trend towards hybrid learning models. Blended learning formats could be the perfect solution here, as they combine the advantages of both learning environments. On the one hand, they enable direct, personal exchange and social interaction, which are appreciated at face-to-face events. On the other hand, they offer the flexibility and accessibility of digital learning resources, which enable learners to deepen their knowledge regardless of time and place. In addition, they are suitable in practice for a wide range of use cases, from onboarding to subject-specific training.


In 2024, the L&D sector is experiencing decisive trends. Companies are facing the challenges of technological progress and the shortage of skilled workers. The measurability of skills, ROI and impact storytelling is becoming increasingly important to underline the effectiveness of personnel development. The integration of AI into HR processes is revolutionizing the entire employee lifecycle from recruitment to employee retention. Opening the “AI black box” creates transparency about existing AI skills and how they can be strategically developed within the company. Soft skills and leadership qualities are coming into focus as companies recognize the importance of emotional intelligence and critical thinking in the age of AI. A skill-based approach helps close skill gaps. Blended learning formats that combine digital and face-to-face learning resources are becoming the norm and reflect the need for flexible and effective L&D solutions.

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