Efficient learning management combined with targeted talent development through skills: one solution for all use cases from onboarding and mandatory training to skills-based learning & development.
How edyoucated works,the Skill & Learning Platform
Organise and manage all your skills and learning activities in one place. Our skill management solution helps people teams to capture and manage skills and supports a variety.
Made in Germany: Wir halten uns an die GDPR, Ihre Daten werden sicher in europäischen Rechenzentren gespeichert
Rollenbasiertes Identitätsmanagement: Festlegen von Berechtigungen und Zugriff für jeden Benutzer
Single Sign-On (SSO): Verwalten einer sicheren Zugriffsauthentifizierung in großem Umfang
Hear it from our satisfied customers
edyoucated offers one solution for all use cases from onboarding and mandatory training to skills-based learning & development.
edyoucated impresses with its overall expertise in the field of skill-based learning. Working closely together, we were able to create a company-specific skills database and lay the foundation for a skills-based organization. In addition, edyoucated has a strong customer focus and is committed to creating customized products.
Moritz Klug
edyoucated's modern approach to learning on demand is much easier to integrate into your own daily job routine. The shared Learning Journey provides the framework and the appropriate motivation.
Christian Monka
"It’s remarkable that each learner - regardless if 23 or 60 years old, 10 years of IT background or complete beginner - had so much fun with the whole learning process and showed improvements after only an incremental amount of time."
Lars Schrameyer
The edyoucated program has massively increased my understanding of data analysis and databases. This helps me immensely in my daily business and gives me a good feeling.
Dennis Thelen
Learning tech skills in the context of data management and data visualization is an important asset for me as a project manager. If you master these skills, you will always be able to present your business ideas and projects well. The edyoucated team is the ideal companion for this.
Frederik Cramer
edyoucated ist personalisierbar, wirkungsvoll und befähigt Ihr gesamtes Unternehmen.
Finden Sie heraus, wie edyoucated Ihrem Team helfen kann, besser zu wachsen.
Partnerschaften mit führenden Forschungsinstituten
edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).