What is the difference between further training and continuing education?


The difference between training and continuing education lies in the objectives, the target group and the formats. While continuing education aims to update and deepen existing knowledge and skills, further education aims to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The terms ‘training’ and ‘continuing education’ are often used interchangeably, but there are important differences between the two. In this article, we explain the differences and show how digital training and continuing education play a role in digitalisation.

Training: Definition and goal

Training refers to the updating and deepening of existing knowledge and skills. It is aimed at people who are already working in a profession and want to expand their skills. Training can take various forms, such as seminars, workshops or online courses.

Training in administration

Training in administration is particularly important to ensure that employees are up to date with the latest laws, regulations and administrative processes. Training in administration can include topics such as legal changes, new software solutions or efficient working methods.

Training and digitalisation

With the advancement of digitalisation, training in the field of digitalisation is becoming increasingly important. Employees need to undergo continuous training in order to keep up with the latest technological developments. Further training in digitalisation can include topics such as cybersecurity, data analysis and digital transformation.

Continuing education: Definition and goal

Continuing education refers to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that go beyond what is already available. It is aimed at people who want to advance their professional development by acquiring new qualifications. Continuing education can take the form of degree programmes, certificate programmes or in-service courses.

Continuing professional development

Continuing professional development is particularly important for people who want to improve their career opportunities. This can involve acquiring new qualifications, changing to a new profession or preparing for a management position. Continuing professional development can take various forms, such as part-time study programmes, certificate programmes or online courses.

Digital continuing education

Digital continuing education offers flexible and easily accessible opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills. Online courses, webinars and e-learning platforms enable participants to continue their education regardless of time and place. Digital continuing education can cover topics such as programming, digital marketing strategies or project management.

Training vs continuing education

The main difference between training and continuing education lies in the objectives, the target group and the formats. While further training aims to deepen existing professional knowledge, continuing education enables the acquisition of new qualifications that can also be used in other professional fields.

1. Objectives

- Training: Updating and deepening existing knowledge and skills.

- Continuing education: Acquiring new knowledge and skills that go beyond what is already available.

2. Target group

- Training: People who are already working in a profession and want to expand their skills.

- Continuing education: People who want to advance their professional development by acquiring new qualifications.

3. Formats

- Training: seminars, workshops, online courses.

- Continuing education: degree programmes, certificate programmes, in-service courses.

Conclusion: The importance of continuing education and training in the modern world of work

The difference between continuing education and continuing training lies in the objective and the target group. While continuing education aims to update and deepen existing knowledge and skills, further education aims to acquire new knowledge and skills. Both forms of education are important in order to remain competitive in the modern world of work and to advance professional development. Digital training and further training in digitalisation are playing an increasingly important role in this. Please note, the distinctions are not entirely clear-cut and also overlap.

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