What is E-Learning?


A learning system based on formalized teaching that utilizes a variety of electronic resources is called electronic learning, also known as online learning.

E-Learning offers a flexible learning experience regardless of their physical location, allowing students, employees under training or casual learners to participate in an organized learning process.

The term has been around for over 20 years.

In 2000, E-Learning was revolutionized as a technology with the first releases of open-source learning management systems. Since then, E-Learning has evolved and nowadays is considered to refer to any type of digital learning. Watching educational videos, reading articles of interest, or taking quizzes.

Benefits of E-Learning

As technology continues to advance rapidly, employees need to keep up with the changing demands of their jobs. E-learning’s anywhere, anytime principle simplifies learning so learners can remain competitive within their industries.

Convenience is one of the main reasons people and especially companies love E-Learning.

Besides that, there are high opportunities for customizing the learning experience and the learning approach to the needs of the learners by personalizing the content (Adaptive Learning). Furthermore, you can enhance your learning experience with other innovations, such as augmented and virtual reality.

As a result of E-Learning, not only learners, but organizations are benefited:

  1. Lower training costs — with E-Learning you do not have to spend on hosting seminars, renting hotel rooms, and covering travel expenses.
  2. Wider coverage — distance learning has no barriers. No matter where your employees are based, they can join any learning session.
  3. Easy progress tracking — most Learning Management Systems have analytics, which show each learners progress and reports.
  4. Business adaptability — the content can be adjusted and updated quite easily.
  5. Faster employee development — the employee is independent and can determine his own learning pace and is not dependent on a trainer or coach.
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edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)