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Thankscoach Partnership - Business Coaching made digital

Stephanie Neusser

Stephanie Neusser

Marketing Lead


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edyoucated is excited to announce our strategic partnership with thankscoach, the digital executive coaching platform. In this blogpost you can learn more about the company and their innovative coaching journey.

Who are you and what do you do?

We are an HR -Tech startup from Berlin and work with our interdisciplinary team to make HR development and learning in organizations fit for the future. We believe that learning should be supported in the flow of work and on demand. With thankscoach we have developed a digital coaching platform and offer personalized business coaching for executives. We combine a hand-picked pool of top business coaches from around the world with our technology to deliver the most effective coaching experience. The thankscoach solution is simple, measurable and scalable, with no additional effort and full budget transparency for our clients.

thankscoach team (from left), Christopher Kuhl and Johannes Darrmann

How does your product solve customer needs?

We digitize and standardize the coaching offer in the L&D portfolio of our customers and thus create the possibility to develop managers individually and targeted according to their needs. With thankscoach solutions, we reduce the entire administrative effort for coach pool sourcing, coach-coachee matching and reporting for HR and personnel development departments. Classic training programs often do not cover individual needs. Our digital Coaching Journey is precisely tailored to the needs of managers and fits seamlessly into their daily work routine. In this way, learning, coaching, feedback, reflection and personal growth are optimally combined and integrated. Especially in transformation and growth phases, the managers of our client companies need targeted support. Our clients already include companies from various industries such as Lieferando, Shopware or Teufel.

What is your USP?

Top Coaches: We are not an anonymous platform, but have a hand-picked pool of top coaches, all selected for their exceptional professional qualifications, evidence-based approach and people-centred mindset.

Smart technology: Our technology and solution fit seamlessly into our customers' processes. What sets us apart from other providers in this space is that our coachees do not need to install an additional app. The Coaching Journey from onboarding to matching to booking appointments and video coaching simply works via push messages in their mailbox and browser. The Coaching Journey is always seamlessly integrated with existing L&D processes and has the ability to generate data such as satisfaction scores, engagement and development stages for HR, making it much easier to manage and monitor.

thankscoach digital content

Highest customer orientation: We are aware of the individual characteristics of our client systems and pay particular attention to the individual framework for the coaching program. For example, it is important that coaches understand our clients' vision, leadership policies, and culture in order to be effective.

What is your future vision of the market and how will you meet its demands?

The global coaching market, and in particular the demand for digital solutions for 1:1 coaching, has surged due to the pandemic and geopolitical uncertainties. Many global organizations are already testing digital coaching platforms and are gaining valuable experiences. Especially for international teams, our solution is already in frequent demand. We assume that the great value of digital coaching solutions will be recognized by many more organizations and that there will therefore also be a significant market expansion in the SME sector. We observe that New Work solutions and the associated empowerment of managers through self-directed coaching are actively requested by smaller organizations with as few as 50 employees.

We are actively shaping the growth of the coaching market and will focus our resources on the international market in particular in the coming years.

We look forward to a successful collaboration!

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