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Maximising Learning Effectiveness: 7 Practical Strategies

Stephanie Neusser

Stephanie Neusser

Marketing Lead


Learning Hub



A group of L&D professionals having a discussion

The capacity to learn effectively is a vital factor for organizations as it directly affects their success and competitiveness in the market. A skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can swiftly learn and apply new skills, knowledge, and insights is essential for resolving complex issues, promoting innovation, and accomplishing business objectives.

Organizations can cultivate and retain such a workforce by implementing efficient learning programs while simultaneously boosting employee engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity.

Implementing a learning platform is a surefire way to increase an organization's learning effectiveness. A learning platform is, however, only part of the solution, as there are a couple of things you may need to pay attention to if you want to make your learning a success.

In this hands-on implementation blog, we'll outline seven key strategies ensuring sustainable learning success and the top 10 hacks for increasing learning success.

Top Seven Strategies For Ensuring Sustainable Learning Success

The top seven critical goals for ensuring sustainable learning success and challenges that may stand in the way of these goals and measures to overcome these challenges are unpacked below.

1. Get a deep understanding of your learners

Most general learning programs fail to meet employees' unique needs, preferences, and behaviors.

To address this issue, start by conducting a survey and asking the managers and users in your organization the four fundamental questions Who, What, Why, and When? This will enable you to understand the learners and their requirements better.

You can use a survey to gather data to elicit this information efficiently. The survey should include questions to determine the learner's job titles (such as key account manager) and functional areas (such as sales), the specific areas they want to develop (such as hard or soft skills), the optimal time and duration for learning opportunities, and the factors motivating them to learn (such as intrinsic interest or externally mandated training).

2. Communicate key learning values and their importance to both management and employees

Many managers and employees may not fully understand the benefits of participating in or enhancing corporate learning initiatives.

It is crucial to involve responsible managers in planning and defining learning objectives to address this challenge.

This will help articulate to managers the value that learning activities add and why they are worth investing in. For instance, regular safety training can significantly reduce costs resulting from preventable accidents, making it a wise investment for the company.

It is important to communicate the purpose of the recommended learning content and how it will benefit the learners to increase employee acceptance and engagement.

Aligning employee learning goals with their mid- and long-term career plans can effectively achieve this. Following the right learning paths can also be the decisive factor for employees who aspire to work in new areas of responsibility.

3. Increase activation rates

Getting employees to activate or start with training can be a significant challenge. Identifying reasons why they do not participate is vital for increasing the number of employees taking advantage of learning opportunities.

Reasons could include not finding suitable or interesting courses or knowing how to start.

A practical approach is to conduct interviews with users and employees who have yet to start training to understand their challenges. Then, remove any barriers that make it difficult for learners to get started.

Consider making enrollment easier and providing better orientation through learning path recommendations. Highlighting the benefits of each course and emphasizing why people should learn it can also help increase participation.

Additionally, broadening the range of learning opportunities to include topics aligned with the learner's interests and job requirements can enhance engagement.

4. Increase completion rate of the courses offered

One of the significant challenges in corporate learning is the low number of learners who complete their learning paths.

It is crucial to break down the learning process into small, achievable goals that allow learners to experience success quickly.

A practical approach is to block time in agendas, and some tools allow transferring learning time directly to their calendar, making it easier for learners to incorporate learning into their daily routines.

Regularly soliciting feedback from learners helps identify any challenges in the learning pathway and enables them to provide input on improving the experience.

Finally, incorporating gamification elements, such as collecting learning points and rewarding learners based on these points, can help create internal competition and increase learner motivation to complete their learning paths.

By implementing these measures, organizations can increase the number of learners who finalize their learning paths and achieve their learning goals.

5. Encourage and enable your employees to set aside time for learning

A common challenge in corporate learning is that learners do not have or take the time to learn. While it's recommended that learners integrate learning into their daily lives, finding the time can be a daunting task.

Getting the support of responsible managers and emphasizing the importance of learning to their teams is essential.

Encourage employees to schedule and adhere to time slots in their calendars specifically for learning. This will help create a routine and make it easier for employees to find time for learning.

Another approach is to enable employees to transition training days that would have been spent off-site into regularly dispersed self-learning sessions. This can help employees take advantage of the learning opportunities without sacrificing their work schedule.

By implementing these measures, organizations can create a learning culture and increase the likelihood that learners will find time for learning.

6. Ensure a sustainably high learner engagement

A challenge in corporate learning is that learners often stop after completing one training and do not continue with others.

One solution is to have regular conversations about current and future learning steps throughout the learning path, such as once a month, to encourage learners to continue their learning journey. Support managers in this dialogue to ensure a seamless and effective process.

After completing a training offering, sending the learner suggestions for additional resources, such as the next best learning path, is helpful.

Linking multiple learning paths into longer learning journeys can also reduce friction and make it easier for learners to continue learning. Providing on-demand training that employees can access anywhere, anytime is another approach to encourage continued learning.

Customizing learning paths according to learners' needs and skill level is also crucial. Select a learning platform that enables learners to tailor their learning experience and ensure the training is relevant and practical.

By implementing these measures, organizations can encourage learners to continue their learning journey and achieve their learning goals.

7. Make learning success measurable

Insufficient information on the success of a learning initiative can be addressed by using key performance indicator (KPI) dashboards. These dashboards can measure the success of various goal dimensions, such as the dropout rate, which can provide clues to friction points or uninteresting content in learning paths.

Another metric is the time for completion, which can help improve the timing and length of learning content. The activation rate, which indicates the interest in particular topic areas, and the average learning time per session, which provides insights into the time availability of learners and how smoothly content is linked, are also necessary.

Using these and other data, administrators and managers can optimize learning initiatives and help learners see their successes.

An Overview Of The Top 10 Hacks For Increasing Learning Success

Learning success refers to the achievement of learning goals and objectives and the ability to apply new skills and knowledge effectively. Below are a few practical tips to increase your corporate learning success.

1. Incorporate a learning culture

Establish learning lunches where employees can share their experiences from various learning programs, promoting a routine of learning successes within the organization.

2. Make learning easily accessible

Position yourself as the main point of contact for convenient access to digital learning resources and select a learning platform that makes it easy to reserve additional seats for new learners.

3. Gamify learning

Implement weekly incentives for individuals with the most learning points and foster teamwork to motivate each other. Offer rewards such as "fruit baskets" for the team with the most learning activity of the month.

4. Utilize the adaptive, personalized learning paths

Provide custom learning experiences rather than one-size-fits-all options.

5. Include various learning content formats into learning paths

Consider a learning platform that allows you to integrate quizzes, videos, PDFs, text, and more into your learning paths.

6. Encourage collaboration and discussion among employees

Invite employees to construct learning paths in their areas of expertise and share them with others in the organization.

7. Recognize and reward learning

Encourage employees to grow and learn by offering opportunities for advancement, promotions, and special assignments.

8. Promote mentoring and coaching

Encourage employees to seek out mentors and coaches within the company who can offer guidance and support. Utilize our skill analytics feature to identify experts.

9. Link learning success to business impact

Together with functional teams, evaluate which skills are necessary to drive progress and offer learning paths for those topics. Measure the difference in business outcomes and connect them back to learning success.

10. Establish regular skill-sharing sessions

Host weekly or monthly "skil- sharing sessions" where employees can showcase their expertise. Offer follow-up learning paths to enable learners to delve deeper into the topic.

These ten easy-to-follow tips can help individuals and organizations increase their learning success to foster a culture of continuous learning and development.

This can help individuals improve their performance and organizations achieve their business objectives while staying competitive in a rapidly changing business environment.

Final Thought

Selecting the appropriate learning platform will make it much easier to increase organizational learning effectiveness.

Additionally, learning platforms can provide analytics and data that help organizations measure the effectiveness of their learning programs and make data-driven decisions.

By leveraging the power of a learning platform like edyoucated, organizations can increase their learning effectiveness, foster a culture of continuous learning, and ultimately achieve their business objectives.

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edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

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