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Comenius Award: edyoucated receives the renowned Comenius Award

Stephanie Neusser

Stephanie Neusser

Marketing Lead


Product News

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The Comenius EduMedia Medaille serves to recognize and honor individuals and companies that make a significant contribution to education.

edyoucated received two prestigious Comenius awards.

edyoucated, the first all-in-one platform for skill-based learning, has received two prestigious awards this year. As a skills-based workforce development platform in the category of "Teaching and Learning Management System," edyoucated not only received the Comenius Seal, which certifies high didactic and media quality, but also the special EduMedia Medal for an outstanding submission.

David Middelbeck, Co-Founder and Managing Director of edyoucated, expressed his great joy at receiving the Comenius-EduMedia Medal and the Comenius Seal. "These two awards represent a significant achievement, and we are thrilled to be recognized as a leader in the field of skill-based learning and learning management systems (LMS) by the expert panel of the GPI."

About the Comenius Award

Since 1995, the GPI (Society for Pedagogy, Information, and Media) has been awarding the Comenius-EduMedia Awards to promote educational media that demonstrate outstanding pedagogical, content, and design qualities. These awards are presented annually and are considered one of the most prestigious accolades in the field of further education. 

Further information is available at:


About edyoucated

edyoucated is the first solution that combines learning and skills on one platform. Founded in Münster in 2019, the platform combines the functions of a modern LMS, the engaging elements of an LXP, and a robust skills management system to support HR and L&D managers in managing their entire learning, skills, and talent universe. From skill identification to the delivery of learning content, successful companies such as LVM, Shopware, and Pfeiffer & Langen use edyoucated to efficiently and effectively achieve their personnel development goals.

Learn more about edyoucated here: 



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edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).