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Research Project KAMAELEON: AI-supported Learning Processes

Jannik Weichert photo

Jannik Weichert

Managing Director


Research [R&D]

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People sitting around table with Laptops opened talking about AI-supported Learning Processes

edyoucated is now funded by the BMBF: The research project KAMAELEON was selected as one of the winning projects from more than 100 submitted project outlines.

The acronym KAMAELEON stands for “Context-based and Adaptive Measures for Effective Learning Support in Online Continuing Education”. The goal of the project is, among other things, to incorporate the heterogeneous prerequisites and conditions of learners as well as their dynamically changing learning goals into our AI-supported learning and personalization processes. The developed methodology, put on a scientifically sound footing, then helps learners on the edyoucated platform to have an even more personalized, dynamic and adaptive learning experience.

Together with research partner Professor Ifenthaler from the University of Mannheim, the research operation of edyoucated starts already this month. The latter even had the opportunity to present our project during the kick-off event for the initiative Digitale Bildung #bildungdigital on February 22, 2021. Interlocutors at this online dialog included German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Federal Minister of Education Anja Karliczek, and KMK President Britta Ernst.

The aim of the INVITE innovation competition is to drive forward digital innovations in continuing education. Education Minister Anja Karliczek explained: “With INVITE, we want to increase the user-friendliness of continuing education platforms. We want to make it easier to find individually tailored offerings in the currently still confusing continuing education market, increase transparency and quality, and expand the range of individualized, AI-supported continuing education offerings. Our goal is to make it possible for everyone in Germany to find the training that best suits their situation in life and their individual learning needs - and to do so as simply as possible. With the selected projects, we want to leave a lasting mark on the digitization of job-related continuing education in Germany.”

For the next three years, edyoucated, funded by the German government, will now work together on the state-of-the-art of digital continuing education to give as many people as possible access to learning paths that fit their individual needs. As part of the project, the AI-based personalization of the edyoucated platform will be deployed, evaluated and further developed together with various practice partners. The edyoucated team is looking forward to a successful collaboration!

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Partnerschaften mit führenden Forschungsinstituten

edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).