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UX/UI designer illustration

UX/UI Designer

51 skill atoms
15h 46m of content

Discover what Customer-Centricity means, learn the basics of Design Thinking and Agile, find out how to perform user research and user tests that matter, discover the most popular tools for designing prototypes, and much more!

Diversity illustration

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

32 skill atoms
5h 26m of content

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) encompasses the philosophy and culture of acknowledging, embracing, and supporting different backgrounds.

Social selling illustration

Social Selling

27 skill atoms
3h 49m of content

Cold calling belongs to the past - social selling is a modern sales method that allows your company to efficiently approach potential customers via social media, build relationships with them and create a network.

Learning success illustration

Evaluating learning success

15 skill atoms
2h 2m of content

Have you been to any trainings or company workshops lately? Maybe you've hosted a workshop for some of your employees. This is all part of a company's learning and development strategy.

Management with OKRs illustration

Management with OKRs

25 skill atoms
5h 35m of content

The term OKRs stands for Objectives and Key Results, a management strategy that focuses on clear objectives, focus and transparency.

Sustainable leadership illustration

Sustainable business leadership

20 skill atoms
4h 28m of content

Have you been hearing recent buzz words and phrases like sustainable development goals, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, recycling, and so forth?

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Designed by learning engineers & scientists

Our learning paths are carefully designed by our learning engineers and skill architects to create engaging and effective learning experiences.

Dr. Julian Rasch

Data Scientist with expertise in educational sciences & PhD in Mathematics

Dr. Julian Rasch

Dr. Nico Broers

Behavioral Scientist, led state-of-the-art AI research in successfull learning at MIT

Dr. Nico Broers

Klara Freitag

Skills & Curation Lead at edyoucated, Master's in Psychology at University of Münster

Klara Freitag

Discover more topics and learning paths

Creating a Learning Culture

9 Skill Atoms
1h 35m
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In the era of technological advancements, increasing remote work, century-old companies, and fledgling start-ups organizations continuously need upskilling, reskilling, and adding new skills so that their employees can keep pace with evolving demands to remain competitive. Thus, many organizations are proactively addressing employee knowledge needs on an ongoing basis — these organizations are said to have a “learning culture” and embrace a lifelong learning ideology.

Agile Fundamentals

15 skill atoms
2h 30m
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In our fast-paced world, the demands on project and product design teams have changed. Agility makes it possible for teams to test their ideas early in development and thus adapt them to the market. Agile teams react faster to changes in the market and are therefore characterized by high resilience. In this learning path, you will learn the Agile Fundamentals so that your team can successfully deal with the increasingly complex requirements of our time.

Developing a Customer-Centric Mindset

12 skill atoms
3h 21m
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The best product will hardly bring you profits if it is not adapted to the needs of your customers. Especially with today's huge range of products, customer satisfaction will ultimately determine whether your product can stand up to the tough competition. Find out here how you can align your company with your customers through and through so that both your customers and your company benefit from your customer-centric mindset!

Figma Introduction

18 skill atoms
2h 6m
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Figma is an interface design application that is popular among UX and UI Designers. It comes with many convenient features such as vector tools and code generation that enable you to build prototypes, draft websites and landing pages, and much more.

Creating & Running Webinars

19 skill atoms
4h 27m
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A webinar, or web seminar, is a virtual event like a workshop, presentation, lecture, or demonstration hosted online using a webinar software tool. Webinars have been increasing in popularity as they don't require the presence of a live audience. Instead, your target group can be reached within the comfort of their home computers or mobile phones. Are you ready to see how webinars can take your company to the next level? Here we go ... 🚀

Deep Work

9 skill atoms
1h 49m
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The phrase "Deep Work" was coined by Cal Newport and he argues that in order to be more productive one must work on a single task in a high state of concentration, eliminating all distractions. Newport suggests that, if implemented correctly, Deep Work can increase one's productivity.

Driving Sustainable Change

35 skill atoms
7h 9m
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Learn how to make the world a better place! Sustainability is our key to a bright future. In order to drive sustainable development, we need brilliant ideas and innovations and we need change on a broader level of society. In this learning path, you will learn about different facets of sustainability and how you can measure it. Both individual and organizational change mainly cause resistance and obstacles. A successful and sustainable change requires a vision, many allies, and a strategic plan. With thorough and thoughtful change management, you can trigger and sustain change. John P. Kotter's 8-steps change model will guide you the way.

Digitalizing Your Offline Training

23 skill atoms
4h 26m
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This learning path will teach you everything you need to know when digitalizing your offline training or creating an e-learning course from scratch. All important steps will be covered: e-learning formats, successful conception, e-learning roll-out, and much more!

Google Analytics

17 skill atoms
3h 7m
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Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google, with just one piece of code which could be added to any website to get the data. It allows you to track and report website traffic, videos, social media traffic well as it measures the all-important return on investment (R.O.I.). This role explains how to get started with Google Analytics: from account creation to complex reporting structure and how to use Google tag manager.

Embracing Mindfulness

16 skill atoms
3h 53m
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The twenty-first century has found us leading very busy lives - constantly on the go, thousands of thoughts running through our minds, and never a moment of stillness. We eventually find ourselves feeling drained and our overall well-being declining. But, it doesn't have to be this way! The secret is simple - mindfulness. Come on, let's learn more about mindfulness and improve our well-being. 🌿

Design Thinking

44 skill atoms
6h 54m
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Design Thinking is an approach to solving problems and developing new ideas. Its main focus lies on the users and their needs, wishes, and demands. By following the Design Thinking process, you can develop solutions that truly convince your customers!

Exploring the Circular Economy

32 skill atoms
8h 14m
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In today's economy, we take new resources to make new products, and once they've reached their end of life, we throw them away. Our waste has grown so large that there's a whole garbage island floating in the Pacific Ocean! What if we told you it doesn't have to be this way? What if we told you resources could be reused and waste reduced? Would you believe us? It's called the circular economy! Are you ready to find out more?

Agile Basics

15 Skill Atoms
2h 30m
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In our fast-paced world, the requirements for project and product development teams have changed. Agility enables teams to test their ideas early in development and thus adapt them to the market. Agile teams react more quickly to changes in the market and are therefore characterized by a high level of resilience. In this learning path, you will learn agile basics so that your team can successfully meet the increasingly complex requirements of our time.

Data Visualization with MS Office

36 skill atoms
7h 42m
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Do you often work with data and spreadsheets and need to communicate results to colleagues or managers? In this learning path you will learn the technical basics of creating charts in Excel and PowerPoint, like how to use different chart types and how to edit them according to the message you want to convey. We will also cover design and storytelling skills to develop meaningful visualizations.

Introduction to Digital Sales

26 skill atoms
3h 53m
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Are you curious about the current trends in "Sales 4.0" and what this means for all participants and processes? Would you like to get an overview of the topics that (currently) occupy salespeople? Then you've come to the right place! This learning path contains materials around the topics: Identifying and approaching potential customers, persuading and selling, and support and aftersales.

Data Journalism with Google Sheets

70 skill atoms
19h 54m
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Your are a journalist and want to get started working with data? You are interested in discovering stories from data and want to communicate them clearly to your audience? You have come to the right place! In this learning path you will learn how to properly deal with data using Google Sheets, to organize, handle and aggregate it in order to eventually discover its hidden stories to tell to your audience. You will visualize and communicate your findings in a clear and informative way in figures, avoiding all the pitfalls and statistical hiccups that may await you along the way. You will see how critical thinking can enable you to figure out logical flaws in your analyses and stories and help you deliver well-informed information to your audience.

Business Model Innovation & Intrapreneurship

49 skill atoms
13h 1m
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Are you interested in innovation and ideation? Do you want to create something new inside your company? Do you want to know what a business model is and how it can be used to create new value? We've got you covered in this learning path. You will discover novel ways to create, deliver and capture value in your organization by diving into different innovation methods such as Product Discovery, Design Thinking, and Design Sprints. Do you want to learn what the concept of Lean Startup is and how it can be applied in a corporate context? We will show you, alongside well-known examples of successful business innovation. Let's get started!

edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB)