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Seed Round: Earlybird Venture Capital & edyoucated

Jannik Weichert photo

Jannik Weichert

Managing Director


Product News

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Logos of edyoucated and EarlyBird

  • After their pre-seed round in April 2020, edyoucated now closed their oversubscribed Seed financing round with €2.1, led by European tech investor Earlybird Venture Capital.
  • With its new approach of personalized learning, the company is now serving large German Enterprise clients such as BASF, Fiege or MANN+HUMMEL to individualize the learning experience for their employees.
  • The investment will be used to further expand the edyoucated product offering to build the leading workforce development platform based on a granular understanding of skills.

Muenster / Berlin, 07.07.2021 - The corporate learning startup edyoucated announced today that it has closed its oversubscribed seed fundraising round, receiving €2.1 million investment. European tech investor Earlybird Venture Capital, known for their investments in other successful B2B SaaS companies such as UiPath, Aiven or SimScale, is leading the round with €1.9 million with participation of First Momentum Ventures and leading business angels and Learning & Development experts.

"We are very happy to have amazing investors and advisors on board who support us in our mission to empower people to build the skills of their future", says Marius Vennemann, Co-Founder & Managing Director of edyoucated. "We want to use the capital raised to extend our product offerings, significantly expand our skill portfolio and build out our remote team across the globe."

Since launching in Muenster in 2019, the edyoucated team has been heads-down building a corporate learning platform that accurately assesses a learner's prior knowledge to deliver the most effective learning path based on individual goals and preferences. Its graph-based infrastructure allows companies to break down skills into small learnable concepts ("atoms") and matches them with expert-curated learning materials.

Edyoucated has been working with large enterprise clients to build out skills in topics like data management, user centricity, innovation & digitalization skills or agility. Through its personalization technology, unnecessary materials and search time is widely eliminated, while learning engagement is significantly increased, resulting in substantially higher success rates for learners and more effective corporate spending. Recently the company has opened up their graph-based skills infrastructure to companies looking to personalize their own content in individualized learning paths.

"We are just scratching the potential of personalization in the corporate learning & development field and already seeing up to 9x improvements in engagement and learning success", says Co-Founder David Middelbeck. Earlybird's Principal Paul Klemm adds: "Edyoucated has built a sophisticated AI engine that brings personalized learning to the next level. It's key to understand how users learn, and match high-quality content accordingly."

With its focus on personalization in learning, edyoucated is tapping into a learning desire that has been growing dramatically in recent years: Individualization. With available learning content growing at an unprecedented rate, the curation and personalization of that content becomes increasingly important and valuable to the learner. At the same time, the $29bn market for learning tools makes up 12% of the substantially growing global corporate learning market ($240bn in 2020).

With the support of our new investors, the team at edyoucated is excited to grow within the education tech space. For ambitious people looking to join an impactful team, it’s the perfect opportunity to build.

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Partnerschaften mit führenden Forschungsinstituten

edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).