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Which LMS to choose? The complete learning management guide for beginners

Stephanie Neusser

Stephanie Neusser

Marketing Lead


Learning Hub



LMS guide for beginners - choosing the right LMS

With this guide on LMS, we want to show you the advantages of using an LMS, what you should pay attention to when choosing and what steps you should take to be able to use the LMS successfully. The basis of every successful development measure in your company: the Learning Management System, LMS for short. Organizations use modern learning management systems to optimize their learning processes, increase employee satisfaction during training and increase the effectiveness of continuing education measures through a better learning experience. A well-designed LMS helps companies make the learning process efficient and time-saving through easy handling and delivery of content. But what is hidden behind the term “LMS”? What should companies consider when choosing and implementing an LMS and what are the differences between different LMS providers?

What is an LMS?

Definition of LMS: LMS stands for Learning Management System. An LMS is a software application that is used to manage, organize, and deliver learning content and courses. It serves as a central platform for organizing, managing and carrying out training and educational activities.

An LMS enables efficient management and provision of digital learning offerings, which makes confusing administration using numerous Excel files unnecessary. With a modern LMS, companies always have an overview of learning success in their company, as it offers extensive options for tracking and analyzing all learning activities. An LMS therefore provides the basis for further development in companies and promotes the flexibility of learning.

LMS vs. LXP — What's the difference?

The market for learning technology solutions is constantly growing. In addition to classic LMS, Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) are also often offered today. Although LMS and LXP are often equated or confused in their functions, both represent different platforms.

  • LMS
    The LMS is used as a management platform that receives, provides, and tracks learning and training content. Traditionally, it is used by the L&D department as an organizational tool to manage learning and development processes in the company and offers functions for creating and managing learning content and learning objectives as well as monitoring learning progress in the company. The LMS also offers options for uploading materials, communicating with learners and managing face-to-face, online seminars, or Compulsory training.

This means that an LMS traditionally focuses on administrators or L&D managers, while the focus of an LXP is on the learner and the learning experience.

  • LXP
    A Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is learner-centered software that creates personalized learning experiences and helps users discover new learning opportunities. It combines learning content from various sources, (often) uses recommendation systems and makes it available via various digital touchpoints such as desktop or mobile apps. They also usually contain gamification elements such as leaderboards, points or badges to increase learners' motivation.

Read more about the topic at Differences between LMS & LXP

Traditionally, LMS systems were primarily designed for administrators and managers, while LXP systems were aimed more at learners' needs. However, this separation posed some challenges for administrators and learners. In contrast to classic LMS, which aims to simply manage learning content, modern LMS today also often integrate elements of an LXP to improve the learning experience and increase engagement. They offer a comprehensive solution by combining LMS and LXP features on one platform.

Modern LMS systems Today, combine classic LMS with LXP to meet the requirements of both administrators and learners. As a result, administrators, managers and learners can benefit equally from the benefits. Companies are thus able to offer a uniform environment for online continuing education and ensure a seamless learning experience.

Benefits of a modern LMS

A modern LMS offers companies a variety of benefits that are of great benefit to both learners and organizations. An appealing learning experience through the LMS can increase learning activity in the company and make learning in the organization more attractive. Administrators benefit from reduced effort and the use of AI to create learning content when managing learning activity.

Other benefits of a modern LMS:

  • Effective management of learning content and courses:
    A modern LMS enables efficient management of learning content and courses. It offers functions such as seminar management, the organization of compulsory training and the central storage of course materials. This makes it easier to create, update, and make content available to learners.
  • Tracking learners' learning progress and performance:
    An LMS provides the ability to track learners' learning progress and performance. It records data such as completed lessons, test results, and learning times. This information enables companies to monitor their learners' progress, identify the interests of their employees, provide individual feedback, and offer additional support when needed.
  • Flexible learning through online access to courses:
    A key advantage of a modern LMS is online access to courses. Learners can access learning content from anywhere and at any time. This enables flexible learning, regardless of space and time restrictions. Learners can set their own learning rhythm and adapt their progress to their individual needs.
  • scalability:
    An LMS can easily be adapted to the requirements of organizations of various sizes. Whether it's training a small team or a large workforce, an LMS provides the flexibility needed to meet the learning needs of the entire organization.
  • Personalized learning experience and individualized learning:
    One-size-fits-all solutions have long been a thing of the past. A modern LMS can support learners by using, for example, AI and data-driven approaches based on their individual needs and learning styles. By providing personalized course recommendations and personalized learning paths that automatically adapt to your learners' previous knowledge, you can make learning in your organization more effective and engaging.

However, the specific features and benefits of an LMS depend heavily on the platform you choose. When choosing an LMS, it's therefore a good idea to consider your organization's specific needs and compare different options.

How to find the right LMS for your business needs

Selecting the right LMS is an essential step to optimally meet your organization's learning needs. A suitable LMS, which flexibly adapts to your needs over time, offers you great opportunities to optimize the learning experience and administration in your organization.

Here are the steps to consider when choosing an LMS:

1. Analyze and understand LMS requirements

Start by analyzing your organization's specific needs.

Include objective facts such as the size of the company and number of users. Continue to ask yourself questions about the type of content provided and the desired features and functionalities. What type of learning content would you like to provide? Do you need features such as mandatory training, seminar management, personalized learning paths, etc.? What specific tools and features are required for your learning goals? Would you like to integrate your company's existing tools with the LMS? Involve learners and other stakeholders within the organization to answer these questions. Finally, define clear requirements so that you can make an informed decision.

2. Consider important functionalities and features of the LMS

Compare different LMS options with regard to the functionalities and features offered. Verify that the LMS provides the features you want, such as course management, learning success tracking, reporting, and collaboration. Make sure the LMS meets your needs and offers options for expansion and customization. Tests on the functionality and usability of the LMS should also be carried out here to ensure that all functions of the LMS work properly and that usability is ensured.

We have for you the most important functionalities and features In summary, which in our opinion every modern LMS should include:

  • Scalability & flexible adaptability to your company
    An LMS should be adaptable to the specific needs and requirements of the company and should also support its growth, both in terms of number of users and learning content. It should offer the ability to adapt the look, features, and content to the corporate culture and strategy.
  • AI-based features
    AI-based functions play a decisive role in a modern LMS, especially today. By using artificial intelligence, the LMS can, for example, provide intelligent recommendations for learning content based on the individual needs and learning behavior of employees. Another possible feature is, for example, the creation of personalized learning paths. These AI-driven features improve the efficiency of the learning process, promote individual development and contribute to a personalized learning experience.
  • Personalization options for tailored use
    Every employee has different learning preferences and needs. An LMS should offer customizable features to meet individual requirements. This includes, for example, the ability to adapt learning content, personalize learning paths or set learning goals. Personalization promotes employee motivation and engagement.
  • Support for multimedia content
    Supporting various media formats such as texts, images, videos, audio files or interactive elements is important in order to appeal to different types of learners among your employees and to offer a diverse learning experience. An LMS should offer the ability to upload, display and effectively present multimedia content.
  • Effective analysis, reporting, and data collection capabilities
    An LMS should offer the opportunity to collect data about the learning behavior of employees. Through data collection, companies can gain insights into the learning preferences, strengths, and weaknesses of employees. This information makes it possible to design personalized learning paths, meet individual needs and continuously optimize learning programs.
  • Seamless integration with existing systems
    An LMS should be able to seamlessly integrate into the company's existing IT infrastructure. It should provide interfaces and APIs to exchange data with other systems, such as HR software, CRM, or other learning platforms. The ability to integrate makes collaboration and data exchange between different systems easier.
  • Powerful cloud infrastructure
    A cloud-based LMS is accessible from anywhere and anytime via the Internet, giving you flexibility and scalability. It makes it easy to manage and deliver learning content without the need for extensive local infrastructure. This also makes it easier to implement and maintain the system.
  • Security measures to protect your data
    Make sure the LMS provides appropriate security measures, such as data encryption, access controls, and regular backups. Also check the LMS provider's privacy policy to ensure that your data is protected and complies with applicable regulations.
  • Customer support and future updates
    Reliable customer support is important in order to receive timely assistance with questions or technical issues. Find out about the customer support they offer, whether they have a dedicated support hotline, email support, or a knowledge base. In addition, it is advisable to obtain information about future updates and the development of the LMS. Make sure the LMS provider provides regular updates to keep the system's performance and security up to date.

Download the detailed RFP template for LMS download for free.

3. Pay attention to the competence and experience of the LMS provider

By taking into account the expertise and experience of the LMS provider, you ensure that you get a reliable, high-quality, and supportive LMS. Criteria to be considered include the provider's customer portfolio, awards, but also success stories from existing customers in order to assess the provider's reputation. A careful evaluation of these aspects will help you choose a trustworthy provider who can meet your specific needs.

Our tip: Rely on the experience of other companies. In addition to your thorough market research, it is a good idea to talk to other organizations and obtain references. This ensures that you also consider cases that are not covered in demos or would not be noticed in the selection decision.

4. Request a trial period or live demo

Before you choose an LMS, you should test the usability of the LMS. A user-friendly LMS is critical to ensure seamless use and acceptance by learners. Look for an intuitive user interface, user-friendly navigation, and an attractive design. Test demo versions or run pilot projects to evaluate user experience and ensure that the LMS is easy to use.

5. Verify integration capability

If you decide to integrate your LMS with existing systems, you should check in advance whether the LMS can be seamlessly connected to your tools. This can include HRM systems, content partners, or single sign-on options, but integrations aren't always necessary. If so, seamless integration enables efficient exchange of data and information between different platforms and makes it easier to manage user accounts. It can also improve the user experience and learning experience of your employees.

6. Consider the time and effort required for implementation

In order to guarantee a smooth implementation, it is worthwhile to estimate the time and effort required to implement the LMS in the company in advance. Also consider which stakeholders in the organization should be involved at what point in time and create a detailed project plan.

RFP on market and vendor analysis for LMS selection

To select the LMS, it can be very helpful to use a Request for Proposal (RFP). An RFP allows you to take a structured and transparent approach to choosing an LMS and ensure that you get a system that meets your needs.

With consistent questions and clear requirements, you can request answers from providers and compare them directly. An RFP makes it easier for you to make informed decisions in a time-saving way by allowing you to easily compare the features, pricing, implementation details, and support of each offering. This allows you to ensure that you have your requirements clearly in mind and can therefore objectively compare different providers to ultimately find the best provider that meets your needs.

Download the RFP template download for free.

Implementing an LMS — Onboarding Guide

You've opted for an LMS — great! You now have an essential step ahead of you that will have a significant impact on the success of the LMS in your company: Implementing the LMS in your organization. This can be complex, so it is important to create a clear plan so that you can proceed in a prepared manner. It is just as important to be aware of potential challenges in order to prepare for them and develop strategies to counteract them.

Set specific goals

Since an LMS often has many areas of application, you should once again remember the clear goals that you want to achieve by using the LMS in your company. Would you like to improve employee development, streamline compliance training management, or simplify access to learning content? Defining your specific goals helps you structure the implementation process.
Take time to conduct a thorough needs assessment and ensure that everyone's goals, requirements, and expectations are clearly defined.

Preparation of a project plan and involvement of stakeholders

Develop a detailed timeline that covers all phases of implementation, including preparation, training, and go-live date. Involve all stakeholders who are involved in the LMS implementation with project management. This includes, for example, L&D managers, later main users of the LMS such as administrators, and IT managers for any approvals and integrations.

important: Invest enough time in preparation to identify and address potential hurdles at an early stage.

Defining the learning offer

A learning strategy including a defined learning offer is crucial for the success of the LMS. When creating a learning strategy, clear goals should be defined to be achieved with the LMS, for example:

  • I know which topics I want to share with which group of employees via learning paths.
  • The learning offer meets the needs and goals of the company and the employees.
  • The learning offer is present in the company and is easily accessible.

Integrating high-quality learning content in various formats, such as text, images, videos, and interactive elements, into your learning offering stimulates learners and improves the learning experience.

Integration of learning content and resources

The learning content defined in the learning strategy and course concept should now be structured into clear modules. This makes it easier to integrate content into the LMS in a structured manner, making it easier for learners to navigate. Existing training materials and resources from your company can be used to speed up the implementation process. In addition, external resources such as e-learning courses, webinars or online libraries can also be integrated to expand the range of learning content available. Many LMS provide external materials here in cooperation with e-learning content providers.
It takes time, resources, and expertise to develop content that meets learners' needs. A lack of engaging and relevant content can affect learner acceptance and engagement. Invest in developing high-quality learning content and, for a quick, easy start, look for an LMS solution that already includes learning content out-of-the-box.

Customizing the LMS to meet your specific requirements

To ensure a smooth onboarding process, the LMS should be adapted to the specific requirements of your company. On the admin side, the focus here is primarily on defining user roles and access rights to ensure the security and effective use of the system. In addition, adjustments to the design can often be made to adapt the appearance of the LMS to the company. Smooth integration into existing systems should also be ensured.
Important: Make sure the LMS can be integrated with existing systems early on and work closely with your IT team to ensure seamless integration. Perform extensive testing to ensure that data is transferred and synchronized correctly.

Training administrators

A lack of training and support for administrators and trainers can make it difficult to effectively manage the LMS and support learners. This can have a negative impact on the learning experience and use of the LMS. During training, it is important to provide comprehensive documentation that includes instructions, tutorials, and best practices. Administrators are thus empowered to fully utilize the potential of the LMS and to optimally support learning and development initiatives in their organization.
The right LMS provider will help you train your employees.

Final testing and verification before the start

Before the LMS is released to all users, tests and reviews should be carried out again. A pilot test with a small group of users offers the opportunity to collect feedback and identify potential problems early on before the LMS is available to all users in the company.

Create a learning culture

A lack of awareness of the benefits of LMS and low student engagement are often barriers to using LMS. The reasons for this may lie in learners' ignorance of the learning offer, but also because the learning experience is not appealing. In addition, a non-existent learning culture in the company can weaken learners' motivation and commitment.
Prepare employees for the introduction of the LMS by providing detailed information about the new learning offer and explaining the benefits. A sample email that you can send to your staff to implement the LMS can be found here:

Dear employees,
Continuous development is of great importance to us as a company, but also to you personally.
With our new learning platform
edyoucated Get access to individual learning paths that are tailored exactly to your previous abilities. Through a self-assessment on the platform, you have the opportunity to assess your skills and keep an overview of your skill levels. This allows you to continue your training in a targeted manner.
The platform offers you the following benefits:

  • Clear overview of expectations for your position
  • Self-assessment and external assessment of one's own skills is possible
  • Avoiding unnecessary repetition of learning content through adaptive learning
  • Freedom for self-directed continuing education

You can access the platform via the following link. You will receive a detailed description of the first steps in the attached video/ from your manager. Once you have a profile, please independently assess your current skill levels and schedule a first meeting with your manager. The results of the skill assessment are only used for continuing education. Your results are only visible to yourself and your manager.

We would like to explicitly encourage you to use your working time for personal development! With every new skill that you learn, our company gains new skills.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Until then, have fun and good luck learning!

Take employee needs and interests into account and thus create relevant learning content and an appealing learning experience. A motivating learning environment can be created by encouraging leaders to encourage their teams to use the LMS and set a good example themselves. Also offer incentives such as learning competitions or company lectures to motivate learners.

Best practices for using an LMS

To get the most out of an LMS, there are a few best practices to follow.

The right launch is crucial

A successful start is the key to the success of an LMS. It is helpful to set up the launch of the LMS like a marketing campaign for a new product. This helps to arouse employee interest and increase their motivation to participate. With the launch, you should have 3 goals in mind:

  1. Everyone in the company is aware of the new LMS
    Communicate the benefits of the LMS, such as the flexibility of learning and access to high-quality learning content, for example via a company-wide all-hands meeting in which the LMS is presented, possibly followed by a small launch party. Use various communication channels, such as emails, internal newsletters, intranet, or employee meetings, to promote the new LMS and raise company-wide awareness of learning. Short videos on how to use the LMS can also be sent here.
  2. The hurdle to using the LMS is as low as possible
    Simplify the process of signing up and accessing the LMS to increase participation Make sure that all employees receive appropriate permissions and access rights. Provide clear instructions and supporting materials to help you get started. Make sure technical assistance is available to resolve any issues or questions you may have.
  3. The LMS is the subject of many conversations within the company
    Encourage employees to talk about positive experiences with the LMS and actively recommend it. Start discussion groups to establish the LMS as a topic of conversation in the company. Provide incentives such as rewards or recognition for employees who use the LMS and share their experiences (e.g. via learning competitions). Make sure managers and supervisors support the LMS, act as role models, and actively involve the LMS in conversations with their employees.

Only when the 3 goals are met can your company become a self-learning organization with the help of your LMS.

Engaging and personalized learning content

An LMS should not only provide information, but also offer employees a great learning experience tailored to them in order to motivate them to learn.
Make sure the learning content in the LMS is engaging and interactive. Use various media such as videos, interactive exercises, case studies, and quizzes to make learning with the LMS interesting and effective. Take into account your learners' different learning styles, needs, and previous learning experiences to provide a diverse and personalized learning experience. A modern LMS should be able to adapt learning paths based on previous knowledge in order to be able to play out learning content adapted to the level of knowledge. Learning content anchored in the LMS should therefore be able to cover different levels of knowledge and match the previous experiences of your learners.

Fostering learning communities and collaboration

An LMS shouldn't work in isolation. By promoting learning communities and collaboration, the social aspect of learning can be increased. Use collaborative tools such as MS Teams, Slack, or other social platforms to make it easier for learners to share knowledge and collaborate. Create chat groups or channels and encourage learners to ask questions, share ideas, and learn from each other. This not only promotes learning but also creates a sense of community and motivation for the LMS. Be creative and use gamification elements of your LMS, such as learning points or leaderboards. Through these measures, you can also implement social and environmentally friendly initiatives (CSR) in your company, similar to one of our customers who planted trees for every learning point collected. Take advantage of the wide range of options offered by gamification in the LMS to make positive change.

Monitoring learning progress

A good LMS allows administrators and managers to monitor learners' learning progress and performance. Use these features to provide feedback to your employees and offer support if necessary. Monitoring progress also helps to evaluate the effectiveness of learning content and make adjustments if necessary.

Integration into employee interviews

Make sure that the LMS is incorporated into existing structures and processes, such as employee interviews and development plans. Your LMS should be accessible and known to all managers so that they can use it in development discussions with their employees. Once managers have identified a development opportunity, the LMS should be able to provide an overview of which learning opportunities exist for the respective learning goal. It helps here in particular if skills are anchored in your modern LMS.

Continuously improve and update your learning content

Learning needs and goals are dynamic and constantly changing. It is therefore important to continuously review, improve and update learning content.

You should ask yourself the following questions regularly:

  • Which learning paths are particularly popular and why?
    Reach out to learners and get valuable feedback so you can continuously improve content.
  • Which topics in demand do we currently not have an offer for?
    Stay up to date with industry trends and developments and adapt learning content accordingly.
  • What content should we build ourselves and when does it make sense for us to buy external content?
    Consider how much effort it would take to create learning content and whether your company has the necessary resources and knowledge. A good way to offer your learners up-to-date content without spending much time is to integrate external, up-to-date learning content. By choosing trustworthy content partners that are already integrated into modern LMS, you can rely on content that is always up to date.

The wide range of applications of an LMS

The possible uses of an LMS are extremely diverse. A useful way to get started with an LMS is to identify a specific need for action, which you can achieve with the help of your LMS. When tackling the following challenges in companies, an LMS can help to achieve a positive impact very quickly.

Mandatory digital training

Compliance training and certification are crucial for companies in many industries and are mandatory for employees. An LMS offers the opportunity to digitize these mandatory training courses, for example on legal regulations, data protection and occupational safety, and to offer all employees easy access to the learning content via the online platform. By providing training via the LMS, companies can save time and resources by being able to centrally and flexibly manage training and related materials, whether delivered online, on-site, or in a hybrid way. The integration of compulsory training also means additional flexibility for employees, as they can choose whether they want to attend it online or physically. Companies can also track the progress and results of mandatory training and ensure that all employees meet the required requirements.

Digital seminar management

Organizing and managing seminars and training courses can be time-consuming and complex. An LMS can digitize the entire seminar management process. Through the LMS, you can announce seminars, register participants, provide course materials and even monitor learning success. This makes it much easier to plan, organize and deliver training courses.

Continuous employee training

An LMS offers companies the opportunity to continuously train their employees. You can create interactive learning content and allow your employees to access that content anytime, anywhere. Small “learning nuggets” also make it possible to learn short learning units while working (“learning in the flow of work”). As a self-learning organization, you enable learning employees to constantly expand their knowledge and skills and stay up to date.

Onboarding new employees

Onboarding new employees is a crucial process to ensure that they can quickly and effectively integrate into the company. An LMS can help improve the onboarding process by providing new employees with access to training materials and resources. Companies can easily provide training on corporate values, policies, workflows, and other relevant topics via the LMS to make it easier for new employees to get started. Digitalizing the onboarding of new employees is particularly important right now and in the future, especially for remote or hybrid ways of working. An LMS is a great solution here to provide digital onboarding learning paths.

Training sales or customer service employees

For companies that have sales representatives or customer service personnel, training in sales and customer service skills is of great importance. An LMS allows you to create customized training programs. By accessing interactive exercises and other training materials, employees can continuously improve their knowledge and sales and customer service skills.

Digitize and process knowledge

By digitizing and processing knowledge in an LMS, you can ensure that knowledge is not lost in the company and is easily accessible to everyone. Especially with complex products or processes in your company, the transfer of specialist and expert knowledge can be significantly simplified. Knowledge can be translated into structured learning paths that transport the collected and documented knowledge throughout the company. This increases the professional competence of employees and contributes to increasing efficiency in the company. You can also create training materials, manuals, best practices, video tutorials, and other learning content and integrate them with the LMS via learning paths. In addition, you can increase efficiency by centrally storing knowledge in the LMS. Employees can find information quickly without having to carry out time-consuming research. This helps to increase productivity and avoid knowledge gaps in the company.

Final Thoughts

Now you should feel ready to find an LMS that's right for your business. We at edyoucated are happy to help you find the first use case for an LMS in your company and act as your partner from the initial conversation to rollout and beyond.

Please feel free to contact us!

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