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edyoucated - 1 Year in Review

Jannik Weichert photo

Jannik Weichert

Managing Director


Product News

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A picture of the edyoucated team sitting in front of a PC

As edyoucated turns one year today, we at edyoucated would like to say thanks to you and all other partners who have supported us in providing personalized digital education for employees, teams, and organizations across the world. The last 12 months were quite a ride and we feel that it is a great time to reflect and provide you with an update on our favorite moments during the first year of edyoucated.

2019 at a glance

In May of 2019, we started with a team of 4 with great support of the University of Muenster. We are happy to have partnered with the research side, namely with Prof. Becker, Prof. Sonntag, Prof. Wassermann and Dr. Fisher who have supported us (and continue to do so) on the academic front. We ramped up our operations quickly and started sprinting, so that we were able to incorporate the edyoucated GmbH, build the first version of our learning platform, and to announce our first client publicly — all within just 4 months.

Today, we can look back on a tremendous year full of growth — in all kinds of dimensions.

Client impact

We are very lucky to have found amazing corporate partners who see the future of learning and work together with us to built it. We have partnered with companies like BASF Coatings, Westlotto and Axiom (to name a few) to help many employees acquire new skills for the future.

Today, thousands of individuals are using our platform for personalized learning, and it is truly amazing to see the progress that each and every individual is making.

BASF Coatings meets edyoucated at IHK Sommerfest

Organizational growth

What started out as a 4-man show has now matured into a rapidly growing organization across 3 different locations. We are incredibly grateful and proud to have found amazing new colleagues who joined forces with us as freelancers, interns, and full-time employees.

edyoucated Team at the HQ in Muenster, Summer 2019
The edyoucated team in Feb 2020

Our work has even provided us with some trophies for our internal gallery.

Winning the ERCIS Launchpad 2019
Winning the pushcon Award in 2019

Product developments

Our team has been working untiringly on improving the learning experience for our learners. We have developed a revolutionary personalization of the individual’s learning journey using modern graph theory and machine learning. But that’s not all.

New Roles & Skills

We introduced many new roles and skills onto the platform, carefully curated by our internal and external experts. We spoke with many different organizations and thoroughly analyzed the future skill demand to find exactly the right skills to bring onto the platform.

Learning Analytics & Gamification

Learning Analytics

We love data. And we found out that you love them, too. So we build learning analytics into our platform and use them as a basis for our newly designed gamification features.

Online Mentoring

Online Mentoring

We also worked extensively on our mentoring feature that is now available directly through the platform. Every single learner can easily get in contact with the right mentor to solve their learning problems in an incredible speed.

What can you expect for the next year?

If COVID-19 has shown us anything in the last couple of weeks, then that the time for a radical change in education is NOW. For the longest period of time we have warned about changing requirements for both companies and individuals. The future came faster than expected. And so the time to adapt is now.

But it’s not all bad news. Quite the opposite. As true believers of the power of digital education, we observe the current situation with at least the same part of enthusiasm. Why? Because we see so many people finding (back) their way to learning. Numbers for online learning are staggering and the whole university landscape gets flipped on its head. Online courses and infotainment materials grow incredibly and the quality of content, we as individual learners can consume, reaches new highs.

We truly believe that the learning organizations of today will shape the future. But as Stan Lee would put it: with great power comes great responsibility. With an ever increasing amount of learning content available and the hunger to learn increasing, it is now more important than ever to put the individual learner in the driver seat. If we want to navigate our teams and organizations into a successful future, we need to do one thing exceptionally well:

Empower the individual to learn and adapt in the greatest way possible.

With our personalized learning platform, we have done the first steps towards reaching that goal. But this was just the beginning. You can expect a cutting-edge AI product that will change the way we learn as individuals and organizations.

Stay tuned.

To close, we simply want to say thank you. Thank you to all the supporters, clients, team members, fans, and critics along the way, who made this journey possible in the first place and continue to support us in the future.

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Partnerschaften mit führenden Forschungsinstituten

edyoucated is funded by leading research institutions such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).