Published on

January 15, 2024

Top 6 L&D Trends 2024: KI, ROI and Skills

David Middelbeck photo

David Middelbeck

Managing Director


Learning Hub

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In a world marked by rapid technological advancements, such as AI, automation, and more, companies are challenged to grasp the upcoming trends in their respective industries, including Learning and Development (L&D) teams. Simultaneously, L&D teams face a shortage of skilled professionals, known as the "Skills Shortage." These developments will not only influence the L&D landscape but also reshape how companies recruit, develop, and effectively utilize their workforce. Here, we take a detailed look at the six trends dominating the L&D landscape in 2024.

Our top 6 learning and development trends for 2024

  1. Focus on ROI Measurement and Analytics
  2. Empowering L&D with AI
  3. AI Skills and the Need for Skill Transparency
  4. Rising Importance of Soft Skills and Leadership Qualities
  5. Essential Building of Skill-Based Organizations
  6. Surge of Blended Learning Formats

Measurement of ROI and Analytics

In a year marked by conservative budget decisions, 2024 will see a heightened focus on measuring the Return on Investment (ROI) of L&D initiatives. Learning and Development professionals are increasingly facing budget cuts or stagnant budgets, making justification of L&D investments a central challenge. Learning & Skill Analytics come into focus to highlight the effectiveness and benefits of workforce development initiatives within the organization. Learning Analytics are crucial for measuring learning outcomes, evaluating activities, and justifying investments in learning content. Skill Analytics, on the other hand, help capture skill development on an individual and organizational level, addressing skill gaps strategically and contributing significantly to alleviating the skills shortage. Would you like to measure the ROI of your professional development? Click here for the ROI calculator.

L&D Empowerment through AI

AI will not only be crucial for employees but also for L&D teams. Intelligent Skill & Learning Tools can significantly streamline the work of L&D teams. The integration of AI into existing HR and L&D processes will be a pivotal turning point. The focus is shifting towards upskilling, targeting the development of employees to unleash their full potential for the benefit of the company. Applications range from training for professionals and leaders to targeted candidate selection in HR and individualized learning journeys. Early adopters of these technologies will gain a competitive advantage by efficiently managing projects, ultimately enhancing productivity and simplifying internal processes.

AI Skills and the Need for Skill Transparency

As AI transitions from a futuristic vision to reality, companies must adapt to the changing landscape. The increasing use of AI brings ethical responsibilities into focus, requiring companies to address issues of data protection and ethical guidelines related to AI. HR departments will play a crucial role in developing policies and providing training to ensure ethical standards in the use of AI tools. However, questions about existing AI skills within a company, identifying employees with AI skills, assessing training needs, and determining which AI training to invest in remain unanswered. Achieving necessary skill transparency through insights into employee skills and intelligent skill assessments is essential to address these questions.

Rise in Importance of Soft Skills and Leadership Qualities

In addition to technical expertise, training in 2024 will shift towards imparting soft skills and leadership qualities. Employers recognize the need for skills beyond specific roles, especially in the era of AI. Learning and development initiatives will focus on emotional intelligence, communication, and critical thinking, crucial for navigating modern technologies. Additionally, leadership qualities become increasingly vital for success in a rapidly changing and interconnected work environment. Leaders with strong soft skills can effectively motivate teams, foster innovation, and create a positive corporate culture.

Building Skill-Based Organizations Remains Essential

Many companies already understand the pivotal role skills will play in the future. In times of rapid technological change, most companies recognize that a skill-based approach is essential for gaining transparency on skill gaps, providing learners with necessary guidance, and creating individual development opportunities. Without these components, there is a risk of losing ground during periods of severe skills shortages. Therefore, the focus on skills will continue to grow in 2024, remaining a top priority for combating talent shortages. If you don't know how to get started with the skills topic, we have a masterclass waiting for you on exactly this topic.

Rise of Blended Learning Formats

After a shift from traditional in-person seminars to purely online formats, there is now a clear trend towards hybrid learning models. Blended learning formats could be the perfect solution, combining the benefits of both learning worlds. They allow for direct, personal interaction and social engagement appreciated in in-person events, while also providing the flexibility and accessibility of digital learning resources. These formats are practical for various applications, from onboarding to specialized training.


In 2024, the L&D industry experiences crucial trends as companies tackle the challenges of technological progress and the Skills Shortage. Measuring skills, ROI, and impact storytelling becomes increasingly important to underline the effectiveness of workforce development. The integration of AI into HR processes revolutionizes the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment to employee retention. Opening the "AI black box" provides transparency on existing AI skills and how they can be strategically developed in the company. Soft skills and leadership qualities take center stage, recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and critical thinking in the age of AI. A skill-based approach helps close skill gaps. Blended learning formats, combining digital and in-person resources, become the norm, reflecting the need for flexible and effective L&D solutions.

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